Tuesday 10 May 2011

Everyone Can Learn Music

Everyone Can Learn Music

There are no rules or restrictions on who can and cannot learn music. The Music Industry throughout the world is blessed with a plethora of talented singers, music composers, instrumentalists and other successful music artists and several more are entering this field everyday! There are those who want to make a career in music while there are those who simply want to learn to play a musical instrument to make themselves happy and enjoy music.

So it can be said that music is such an art that can be acquired and learnt by anyone who has the interest and inclination to do so!

Children: By starting early, children can learn the art of playing a Musical Instrument at a young age and improve in doing so over time. It has been seen that by learning music, children are able to develop and grow effectively. Parents should encourage their children to pursue their interest in music along with their education as it is
  • a great hobby to have
  • keeps the child involved and occupied, and
  • may open up many avenues in the future.

Teenagers: Those in their teens are naturally inclined to music and if interested in making their own music, these growing individuals can begin learning music (vocal & Instrumental) depending on where their interest lies.
  • Playing music is a great hobby.
  • Being formally trained assists in getting prepared for a career in music in the future.

Adults: In between all your work pressures, busy schedules and stressful lives, you will find learning to play a musical instrument a great stress buster and mood enhancer. 

Senior Citizens: It is never too late to learn! Besides keeping you busy and constructively occupied, learning music can help you to fight memory loss, interact with other like minded individuals and can even lower your blood pressure.

As can be seen above, music is for everyone and if you have the interest, you must start learning music today!

Music participation provides a unique opportunity for literacy preparation. Whether the children are singing, playing, or listening, teachers direct them to listen and hear in new ways which exercises their aural discrimination. Playing instruments and adding movement to the lessons teaches children about sequential learning which is essential in reading comprehension.

Music and Young Minds   

Plato once said that music “is a more potent instrument than any other for education”. You will find many teachers of young children who would agree with him. Recent research has found that music uses both sides of the brain, a fact that makes it valuable in all areas of development. Music affects the growth of a child’s brain academically, emotionally, physically and spiritually.

Music is academic. For some people, this is the primary reason for providing music lessons to their children. A recent study from the University of California found that music trains the brain for higher forms of thinking. Second graders who were given music lessons scored 27% higher on proportional math and fractions tests than children who received no special instruction. Research indicates that musical training permanently wires a young mind for enhanced performance.

Music is physical. Music can be described as a sport. Learning to sing and keep rhythm develops coordination. The air and wind power necessary to blow a flute, trumpet or saxophone promotes a healthy body.

Music is emotional. Music is an art form. We are emotional beings and every child requires an artistic outlet. Music may be your child’s vehicle of expression.

Music is for life. Most people can’t play soccer, or football at 70 or 80 years of age but they can sing. And they can play piano or some other instrument. Music is a gift you can give your child that will last their entire lives.

Music programs are not extras!

Instrumental and vocal music classes are often referred to as "extracurricular" classes. Music is anything but "extracurricular". Music classes offer many benefits which make them very indispensable. Performance programs enhance a student's sense of self esteem as well as their social skills. Students become a part of a positive group and organization. Not only do students profit socially from music programs, but they also gain academically.

Several studies have confirmed that music directly enhances learning through increased spatial development. Math and reading are improved by learning rhythms and decoding notes and symbols. So there appears to be cross disciplinary learning in music.

Music makes the grade!

For years elementary teachers have decried the music pullout program (students are taken out of class to receive music instruction once or twice a week) because of "lost instruction" time. But according to many studies these fears are unfounded.

Researchers in Hamilton, Ohio, documented that students participating in a string pullout program scored higher on the reading, mathematics and citizenship portions of the Ohio Proficiency Test (OPT), than their non-music peers.

This study paired string and non-music students based on their verbal Cognitive Abilities Test (COGAT). Four groups of string students were released two times a week for instruction. Two of those four groups scored significantly higher on the reading and mathematics portion of the OPT than their non-music peers. Additionally, 68% of string students scored at grade level or higher on all four sections of the test compared to 58% of the non-music students. For more information (Michael D. Wallick, Ohio City Schools)

In high school, the results are also convincing. Every year juniors and seniors take the Stanford Achievement Test (SAT) for college admissions . These scores reflect several years of education and are intended to judge a persons over-all education.

  Source: The College Board, Profile of College- Bound Seniors National Report for 2001.

SAT scores of students who took part in music instruction surpassed students with no music training. Data collected from students taking the SAT, indicated that students taking music and arts averaged scores that were higher than non music students by 60 points on the verbal section and 43 points on the math section.

Additionally, data revealed that for every year a student participated in music instruction, their SAT scores improved. Students with four or more years of music study recieved an average score of about 544 as opposed to a score just above 482 for those with half a at least one semester of music instruction, thus showing a strong correlation between music and academic success. (For more information see MENC Web Page)

Source: The College Board, Profile of College- Bound Seniors National Report for 2001.

Whether the results are a reflection of a direct cognitive connection or other factors, such as higher self-esteem, and involvement in school, the outcome is no less important. Music does influence and impact student learning and success.

Music for everyone

The fact is, music is an important avenue to individual success. Music should be made available to all students in all schools. Music programs hold an influential place in school and academic structure. When consideration is being given to program and budget cuts administrators, parents, counselors and teachers need to know that music education is not just an "extra" elective to fill students' schedules, but a vital part of a complete"academic" education.

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